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101st Annual Rotary International Convention Montréal, Canada

By RI, 12/15/09, 7:11AM CST


June 20-23, 2010. Sign-Up Now!

Where else can you learn, be inspired, and have fun, but at the annual Rotary International Convention!
Register and reserve rooms online or by fax:


With 50 planned breakout sessions and 40 interactive discussion groups, you will be able to receive:
leadership training, sharpen your skill set, updates about Rotary programs and The Rotary Foundation, in-depth presentations on topics such as Malaria, Interact, Membership development and more!

Look at the full program schedule:

Be Inspired!
Listen to the personal stories of our four exciting plenary speakers:

  • Greg Mortenson, best-selling coauthor of Three Cups of Tea, who helped develop 131 schools in war-torn Afghanistan and Pakistan.
  • Jo Luck, president and CEO of Heifer International, an organization that has assisted 10.5 million families in 125 countries through gifts of livestock, agricultural education, and micro-loans since 1944
  • Bob Mazzuca, chief executive, Boys Scouts of America, one of the largest leadership development organizations in the United States.  In 2010, more than 4.1 million youth will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America
  • Dolly Parton, international music star and philanthropist. The Dollywood Foundations Imagination Library and partners have been donating books to pre-schoolers since 1996.

Go to the Speakers page to find out more:

Have fun!
The HOC (Host organization Committee) invites you to take a look at circus history in the making!
You are invited to witness the graduation ceremony and performances of future circus stars at the National Circus School! You won't want to miss this exclusive and intimate performance on 19 June, Saturday!

To purchase tickets for this and other events (host hospitality and tours):

A special Destination!
Montreal is a family-oriented city with parks, museums, and the Cirque du Soleil! It is a walkable city, but there are plenty of bike paths, busses, and an extensive Metro system.
Because of its interesting history, it is an amalgam of cultures, incorporating aspects of French, English, and indigenous ideas into its own unique character. It is also home to waves of immigrants representing more than 80 cultures that continue to add a variety of ethnic flavors to the city!  The food, public art, the many festivals -- including FrancoFolies before the Convention and the International Festival of Jazz afterward will make you want to come early and stay late to experience the joie de vivre of this wonderful city.

To find out more about Montréal:

For the 2010 RI Convention, Air Canada and its the Star Alliance partners are offering travel discounts to Montréal for Rotarians and one companion traveling on the same itinerary.

You won't want to miss this special convention!

Registration/housing inquiries:
